Bayerischer Gebirgsschweisshund.
The Bavarian Mountain Hound (Bayerischer) is a real specialist in scent tracking. Following a scent trail is part of their DNA!. Some Bayerischers are capable of more than just scent tracking. Ours like to fetch/retrieve and we train for that too. We train at Top Apport, which practices positive hunting training based on participating in standard hunting tests (SJP) and hunting practice.
The Bayerischer is an affectionate dog and enjoys spending time with their owners. They can walk for hours on end and are active dogs with few health problems. Our dogs are all officially assessed by the Raad van Beheer (the Dutch advisory bureau for dog breeding). Hip and lumba vertebrae are strictly screened. Our dogs have HD (hip dysplasia) A qualification and have 7 lumbar vertebrae.
In the breed description they are characterised as having a reserved character towards strangers but our dogs are everything but this! They like to be petted by everyone and prefer to lie on your lap. Bayerischers naturally and instinctively have a loud bark. They have to be able to keep wild boars at bay. This requires a lot of courage but in addition to this – an impressive bark. Most importantly, Bayerischers need to get enough exercise and mental stimulation. This can be achieved through scent / detective training but naturally there are other ways. Most Bayerischers are easy to train, especially with positive-reward approach. They are pleasant house companions and in no time they are part of the family.
Olly (Nena Caro van het Molenhout).
Female: born January 10, 2015, HD A, Dutch youth champion, Dutch champion, Schotvast and Watertest.
Olly is a very obedient sweet dog. She works hard and is keen to please her owner. Olly has participate in numerous types of training: obedience, ring and naturally hunting. During hunting training we noticed that she also enjoyed retrieving. She takes great pleasure in searching for dummy game in the forests or in the water. Once located, she retrieves the dummy with great pride! All these traits makes her a versatile and intelligent dog.
Olly has had two litters. The first in 2017 (3 puppies) from which we kept a male, Nord. The second litter in 2018 (6 puppies) from which we kept Pleun.
Nord (Audrick van Jagthuis Gerven).
Male: born August 21, 2017. HD A and Dutch champion.
Nord is a son of Olly from her first litter. He has great stamina and can maintain long distances at a trot. He is a passionate hunter, especially scent hunting, as befits the breed.
Pleun (Bernis van Jagthuis Gerven).
Female: born October 31, 2018, HD A and Dutch champion.
Pleun a daughter of Olly from her second litter. Pleun likes to work, just like her mother she too enjoys to retrieve. This she does with passion. She is very obedient and thrives on action. She has a strong preference for lying on your lap all evening.