Smooth Standard Dachshund.
The Standard Dachshund is the largest variety within the Dachshund family. The Smooth Standard Dachshund is smart, cheerful, willful (stubborn)and alert. They are also courageous, independent and real go-getters. Dachshunds generally bark easily, as expected of them to do so during the hunt. However, the Standard Dachshund is the least noisy. Good socialization and consistent upbringing ensure a stable dog. We are registered members/breeders of the Dutch Dachshund Club (NTC) and breed according to the Dutch Dachshund Club guidelines. This includes, amongst other, full health examinations (ECVO) and participation in dogs shows. For full details concerning these requirements, please refer to th NTCwebsite
Twirre (Catwalk Rose van de Hermelshoeve).
Female dog. Born 15/12/2016. Dutch Youth Champion, Dutch Champion, Club Winner 2019.
Twirre is a very independent Dachshund. In her home environment she is serene and quiet natured and takes preference in lying on one’s lap or on the couch. This superior position allows her to observe and guard her surroundings. In contrast, outdoors a display of energetic behaviour! She has a definite preference for certain people. She has no trouble at totally ignoring those for whom she has no interest in and will indiscriminately pass them by!
Twirre has had 2 litters. Her first litter was a big litter with 9 puppies. Despite this she managed to nurse and raise all 9 puppies with no assistance. There were 6 puppies in the second litter. We kept Fien from the last litter. Twirre has been spayed in the meantime.
Fien (Doutzen van Jagthuis Gerven).
Born 10/01/2021.
Pup from Twirre’s last litter.Fien is a cheerful, bright and friendly dog with an open character. We are hoping to be able to breed with her when she is old enough. She has already participated in two dog shows. On both occasions she was awarded a first excellent in the youth class as well as a reserve CAC. When the time comes for her to be mated, we will first get her eyes screened for hereditary eye defects.